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With wit and wisdom, Dr. Ray Guarendi gives parents the tools they need not only to navigate the teen years but also to enjoy them. Teens are “full of life, enthusiasm, energy, and laughter,” Dr. Ray asserts, in defiance of a culture that conditions us to expect a far gloomier reality. Too often, the world tells parents to be content with mediocrity instead of the prospect of raising respectful and responsible children with strong character. In a lively question-and-answer format, Dr. Ray unpacks issues ranging from sibling relationships and peer pressure to curfews and chores to overcoming backtalk and teaching your kids to avoid drugs. He equips parents to give their teens a safer, more stable adolescence and help them develop virtues for a lifetime. If you feel as if you’ve been a weak disciplinarian, Dr. Ray explains that “there are . . . critical reasons to reverse your parenting, even if it seems late.” He offers practical approaches such as: Four tips to help you enjoy your kids’ teen years Three techniques for becoming a calmer parent Five ways to monitor your child’s use of technology Four simple house rules that lead to success Four consequences to curb nasty talk A strategy to motivate underachievers You will also learn four key sayings for communicating more effectively with your teens. In addition, you will find out specific ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your kids. Most significantly, you will learn how to help your children treat you with respect, so that they will develop this habit in their relationships with others as well. As you grow in becoming a stronger parent with calm, loving resolve, you will learn how to foster quality time with your teens and have real fun together. This book is wise, perceptive, and laugh-out-loud funny. Dr. Ray uses his trademark humor-with-a-dash-of-sarcasm to give those parents who are barely treading water some good, sound, logical advice to change the tone and tenor of their households for the better.
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Standing Strong: Good Discipline Makes Great Teens
Standing Strong: Good Discipline Makes Great Teens de Ray Guarendi - English books - commander la livre de la catégorie Guides pratiques sans frais de port
Grace Based Discipline: How to Be at Your Best When
Book overview · "Parents face a crazy paradox," says author Karis Kimmel Murray. · Disciplining kids is tough . . . even on a good day. · With humor and down-to-
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Dr Ray Guarendi: Standing Strong; Good Discipline Makes
Dr Ray Guarendi: Standing Strong; Good Discipline Makes Great Teens. No views · 6 minutes ago #catholicchurch #teenagersforchrist more. THE
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>> Read more about positive discipline and its benefits. 2. Take the time to Showing self-care is also a good way of modelling the practice to your teen.
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They ask interesting questions that make kids think and value their students' input. 6. Respect Your Kids. Good classroom managers like and respect kids, and
Standing Strong: Good Discipline Makes Great Teens
With wit and wisdom, Dr. Ray Guarendi gives parents the tools they need not only to navigate the teen years but also to enjoy them. Teens are "full of life,
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Catholicism - Christian Books & Bibles
Discipline for School-Aged Kids: Strategies and Challenges
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