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Actually Color Blindness isn't Racist. Video essay by I think the key distinction here is that it's not racist to treat everybody the same regardless of their skin color. What can be racist is Guest Post: Why This White Girl Believes “Color-Blindness” Is Aug 9, 2010 — The Virtue of Color-Blindness eBook by Andre Archie In The Virtue of Colorblindness, Archie exposes the injustice of our emerging civil religion. Radical ideologues now teach our children that colorblindness is The Virtue of Color-Blindness by Andre Archie In The Virtue of Colorblindness, Archie exposes the injustice of our emerging civil religion. Radical ideologues now teach our children that colorblindness is The Virtue of Color-Blindness – Andre Archie – Inbunden In The Virtue of Colorblindness, Archie exposes the injustice of our emerging civil religion. Radical ideologues now teach our children that colorblindness is