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Thoughtfulness and the Rule of Law, Jeremy Waldron - Libris Political theorist Jeremy Waldron makes a bracing case against identifying rule of law with predictability. Seeing the rule of law as just one value to Stare Decisis and the Rule of Law: A Layered Approach That they need to be separated in thought is clear from the fact that the overturning of a precedent normally presupposes stare decisis. At the very least, Thoughtfulness and the Rule of Law by Jeremy Waldron Thoughtfulness and the Rule of Law (Hardback) An essential study of the rule of law by one of the world's leading liberal political and legal philosophers. Thoughtfulness and the Rule of Law: Waldron, Jeremy Thoughtfulness and the Rule of Law emphasizes the value of procedures rather than the substance or outcome of legal decisions. JUDICIAL TRANSPARENCY RULE OF LAW As with all of our past forums, it was both enjoyable and thought- provoking. In the Forum setting, judges, practicing attorneys, and legal scholars were able B Academy Review 8 conception of the Rule of Law; so thoughtfulness must be associated law is played out as a form of legal thoughtfulness – legal.