6 Important LinkedIn Statistics for 2022


The network officially launched on May 5th, 2003, just nine months before Facebook launched at Harvard. LinkedIn is the oldest of the major social networks still in use today.
In this article, we’re going to share with you over 35 stats and facts that you can use as a guide for your LinkedIn marketing efforts in 2022.

1. LinkedIn has over 706 million members 

As of December 2021, LinkedIn had more than 850 million users in over 200 countries, according to the company’s official statistics. According to Social Status, their growth rate for June 2022 was 2.56%. The highest that it’s been in 2022 so far was in May (4.22%).

LinkedIn User Statistics 

LinkedIn boasts over 810 million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide (LinkedIn, 2022). 

Although these figures seem considerably low compared to the likes of Instagram with over 2 billion users and Facebook at 2.91 billion users, the numbers are quite impressive, noting that LinkedIn targets a specific group of users ‒ the professional community.
Having been officially launched in 2003, LinkedIn has enjoyed a phenomenal gradual growth rate without experiencing any dips, as would be the case for other social media platforms like Twitter. 
In just two years after its launch, LinkedIn had already amassed 1.6 million members and crossed the 100-million mark in Q1 2011 after going public. 
The number of LinkedIn users more than tripled from 160 million to over 400 million members within the next five years, and just a year later, in 2017, the platform crossed its half-a-billion mark.
Over the years, LinkedIn became the go-to network for all professionals globally, and not just in the United States alone. Out of the 810 million LinkedIn users, there are only 185+ million members from the U.S. (LinkedIn, 2022). 

2. LinkedIn Demographics: Gender

LinkedIn’s latest demographics stats indicate that the professional network is more popular among males than females. 57.2% of LinkedIn users are male, while females take up 42.8% of the total user number (Statista, 2022).
While the platform remains more popular among males, LinkedIn’s Gender Insight Report tells a different story regarding usage behaviours and engagement habits. According to the report, women are 16% more likely than men to get hired after applying for a job. 

3. LinkedIn Demographics: Age 

When broken further, the age group with the most number of LinkedIn users is between 25 and 34 years, taking up 59.1% of the total. 

LinkedIn is a platform mainly built for working professionals and those looking to build their network. For this matter, it would make a lot of sense to notice a huge number of users from the ages of 25 to 35, as these are individuals looking to network and scout for better work opportunities.  

The second most popular age group on LinkedIn ranges between 18 and 24, taking up 20.4% of the total. Most of the people in this age are in (or done with) college and would like to connect with other professionals whom they could use as mentors to grow their careers.  

By the mere fact that LinkedIn is a platform for those working, scouting for newer professional opportunities, or looking to network, there are very few members (only 2.9% of the total) above 55.

4. LinkedIn’s popularity among marketers 

LinkedIn is the most popular social media platform B2B marketers use for organic marketing purposes at 93% (Slideshare, 2022). One of the key reasons behind this success is the fact that LinkedIn is the most trusted social platform in the world, according to Business Insider. In its annual reports, LinkedIn has been shown to lead consistently as the most trusted social media platform amidst the surge of fake news. 
In a study conducted by
Hubspot, LinkedIn leads in terms of lead conversion rates. Traffic from the platform generates the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%, which is 277% higher than Facebook and Twitter. This is an impressive figure, more so since 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn.
While it is quite popular among B2B content marketers, LinkedIn treks behind Facebook and Instagram as the most popular social media platform for marketers ‒ and for obvious reasons (
Hootsuite, 2021).
With billions of users on both Instagram and Facebook, they are a marketer’s go-to place as you can easily reach many people in an instant. However, due to its trustworthiness rating and high lead conversion rates, LinkedIn follows closely, ahead of other platforms like Twitter and

5. Every Minute 6 People Get Hired

According to LinkedIn’s own statistics, each week, 50 million people use the platform to search for jobs. And, their efforts aren’t in vain. 

Every second, 95 job applications get submitted, while 6 people get hired every minute on LinkedIn.  

Data revealed by LinkedIn reveals that in November 2021 some of the most popular industries for hiring were agriculture, construction, corporate services, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, logistics, and public administration.

6. India Is the Most Popular Hashtag

Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram aren’t the only social media platforms where hashtags can be used effectively. On LinkedIn, the hashtags with the most followers are: #India, #innovations, #management, #HumanResources, and #DigitalMarketing. 

The hashtag India, for example, has nearly 68 million followers. 

Other popular hashtags include: #technology, #creativity, #future, #entrepreneurship, and #careers. 

7. It’s One of the Fastest Growing Brands Worldwide

According to data shared by Statista, LinkedIn is the seventh fastest growing brand across the globe in 2022 boasting an annual brand value growth of 63%, just 1% behind Louis Vuitton. In first place it’s Cartier with an annual brand value growth of 88%. 

8. LinkedIn advertising statistics

  • An ad on LinkedIn can reach 14.6% of the world’s population
  • That is, 14.6% of people over the age of eighteen. While this isn’t the highest reach among social networks, LinkedIn has the advantage of a self-selected user base that cares about their work.
  • LinkedIn’s ad reach grew by 22 million people in Q4 2021. That’s a 2.8% increase from Q3.
  • Brands have seen a 33% increase in purchase intent resulting from ad exposure on LinkedIn
  • Marketers can benefit from LinkedIn’s ability to connect with members early in the marketing funnel through users engaging with brand posts and sharing them on their feed.
  • Marketers see up to 2x higher conversion rates on LinkedIn. LinkedIn’s range of tools for audience targeting means website visits originating from the platform are more likely to increase conversions on B2B sites.

9. LinkedIn business statistics

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