31 Interesting YouTube Video Ideas for your channel


Everyone can have their own YouTube channel – it’s that simple process. Coming up with a steady stream of great YouTube video content, on the other hand, can be at times challenging. Even the well known content creators at times struggle to keep up with a constant source of  inspiration.

Here are some of the well searched and ready ideas for you to pick up from. 

YouTube Video Ideas for your very first episode

If you’re new to the world of video production and don’t know where to start from, find an ideal video editor for YouTube content or get started on a few of these beginner-friendly videos.

1. “Hello World!”

Another great YouTube video idea is to inform your viewers a little about who you are, what you do, and what your channel is going to be about. A friendly introduction that puts your personality on display can help you establish your channel and build your following from day one.

2. YouTube Channel Trailer

Your channel trailer starts playing automatically when people find your YouTube page, which is the best way to convince new visitors to click on the subscribe button. Use your trailer to pitch your channel and establish your YouTube Channel. 

3. Introduce Your Business

If you’re making marketing videos or vlogging for work, make a video that introduces viewers to what you do and why. Talk about the intent behind your business, values, and goals for the future.

4. Tour Video

Help new viewers get to know you and your channel better by giving them a little tour. You can show them around your office desk, house, workspace, or even your town – whatever is more relevant to your channel.

5. Your History

If you already have an introductory YouTube video, add on to it by going in-depth about your personal history. For instance, trace and mention the events that influenced you to choose your current career path, or talk about what inspired you to create a youtube channel.

Creative YouTube Video Ideas

Video is the ultimate creative medium to express your talent. With enough imagination, patience, and editing skill, one can do just about anything. Here are some of the  ideas that could spark your creativity. 

6. Random Facts About Yourself

What’s something that no one could ever guess about you? Sharing funny, odd, or obscure bites about yourself will make for a fun video. You can as well invite friends or team members in your video to share random facts about themselves, too.

7. Collaborate with a Friend

If you have a friend/colleague who also has a Youtube CHannel, it’s a great idea to invite them to collaborate with you. It will give both of your channels a boost, and it’s a good way to break out of any monotony you may have fallen into.

8. DIY Video

Are you a magic at putting together thoughtful handmade gifts? How about remaking common household objects? If you have a crafty flair, share your skills by creating a video tutorial about the same.

9. Cover an Event

If a big event is commencing in your industry or town, don’t forget to bring your camera. Covering well-known events is a good way to get a lot of new eyes on your channel.

10. Time-Lapse

Make a time-lapse video of changing skyscape,  your daily routine, or just about anything else.

14. Short Documentary

If you’re seeking to take on a big creative project, a short documentary might be the perfect challenge. 

Popular YouTube Video Ideas

Increase your viewers with these audience-pleasing video ideas.

15. Show Off Your Product or Service

If your business sells physical products, create a video – or, even better, a series of videos – with the products on display. Demonstrate what your products look like, what they do, and how they’re manufactured. If you sell a service, go into detail about how it works.

16. Q&A

Make a list of all the questions you get asked most frequently, either in your video comments or elsewhere on the internet. Create a Q&A episode to answer all of them.

17. Behind the Scenes

Give your audience a little sneak-peek at how you do things behind the scenes. For instance, give them a tour of your production house, or show them how you put together and edit your videos.

18. Correct a Misconception

Are there any common myths or misconceptions about your field or niche? Make a video to set the record straight and clear the misconception. This is a good way to engage your audience and gain more viewers.

19. Top 10

Fun, Quick, simple, and always popular, top 10 videos can be adapted to just about any topic. Choose something to rank – like movies, books, or games – and talk about why you like each of your top choices in brief.

20. Live Stream

Are you having a special event or your brand- launching soon? Stream it live. Many viewers like getting the chance to tune in to their favorite YouTube channel in real time and get the insights.

21. Day in the Life

Show your audience what it’s like to be you for a day by walking them through the highlights of your daily routine.

22. Daily Routine

For a pared-back version of a day-in-the-life video, focus on just one aspect of your day and give them a brief. For instance, show viewers how you go through your night routine before going to bed.

23. Productivity Tips

Do you wish to get more done in less time? Inspire your audience by sharing your time management tricks and productivity tips with them.

24. Holiday Video

Whenever you have a holiday coming up, make a holiday-themed video. It will bring you a recurring spike of viewers’ traffic every year.

Easy YouTube Video Ideas

These simple yet effective ideas can help you stay on track with your publishing schedule when you’re short on time, inspiration, or both.

25. Take Suggestions

Your viewers sometimes have useful advice for you, so listen to them! Attend the comments you recieve, and do not forget to save the best requests and suggestions for future videos.

26. Remake Old Videos

If you’ve been creating videos for a while, your skills have probably improved quite a bit. Use your editing skills to remake some of your early videos that could benefit from better production and editing.

27. How-To Video

Think of one useful skill that you’ve mastered. Then make a video showing your audience how to do it for themselves. You don’t have to pick a big, life-changing skill – little life hacks are enough for this type of video.

28. Quick Tips

For another quick and useful video, put together a list of actionable tips on any topic you have knowledge on.

29. Review

Have you recently tried a new product, watched a new movie, or visited a new restaurant? Share your thoughts about it in a video review.

30. Trivia

Put together a collection of trivia about your field/niche to entertain your viewers while teaching them something new.

31. Thank Your Viewers

Take the time to let your audience know how much you appreciate their ongoing viewership. You can also share some statistics about your youtube channel, such as how much it has grown over the time since its creation.

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