14 Best YouTube Learning Channels


In the age of technology, learning is no longer confined to lecture halls and textbooks. Videos have become a commonly used teaching method, providing students with interactive content that makes learning more fun. Let us take a look at some of the best educational YouTube channels that can help you improve your knowledge and have fun while learning.

Why are educational YouTube channels a good idea?

First of all, keep in mind that you can only concentrate for a limited amount of time.

A popular learning technique is the so-called 50/10 learning session. This means that you study for 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break.

The great thing about many YouTube accounts is that they make sure each lesson is short and sweet. This makes it easier to stay focused and concentrated without getting distracted or tired.

Another advantage of YouTube videos is that they are engaging but not distracting, as can be the case with study groups. While it is fun to study with friends, it can be easy to digress in conversation and talk about things that have nothing to do with studying.

Most YouTube channels also have organised playlists. This means that each lesson is played back in the correct order in which you should learn the topic.

Finally, some learners simply find it easier to learn using visual or audio methods. YouTube videos provide both visual and audio support, making learning easier and more enjoyable than textbooks.

So without further ado, let us take a look at some of the best YouTube learning channels out there!

14 best YouTube learning channels 

1. Ted-Ed

Launched on 1 March 2011, Ted-Ed offers a wide range of courses, from fine arts to maths, health to business. Each video features fun animations that use interesting examples to teach the lessons in an entertaining way. As of 2019, Ted-Ed has 10.2 million subscribers and the channel has been viewed around 1.6 billion times!

2. Crash Course

This channel started on 19 May 2006 with the aim of teaching a wide range of topics such as world history, biology and even psychology.

With 10.2 million subscribers and over 1.5 billion views, Crash Course uses a combination of historical footage, vivid illustrations and humour to inform and entertain viewers.

3. C.G.P. Grey

Launched on 12 August 2010, this channel focuses on providing lessons in history, politics, philosophy and technology. C.G.P. Grey currently has more than 4.2 million subscribers and has been viewed over 483 million times.

4. Vsauce

This channel began uploading science lessons in the summer of 2010. Each lesson focuses on answering a fascinating rhetorical question such as “What if the sun disappeared?”

To date, Vsauce has 15 million subscribers and more than 1.7 billion views and counting.

5. Khan Academy

Since 16 November 2006, this channel has offered tutoring in subjects such as mathematics, science, computer science and economics. In each lesson, the teacher explains the concept and provides examples in front of your eyes – just like in real life! This channel has 5.24 million subscribers and 1,708,601,969 views.

6. Veritasium

Launched on 21 July 2010, Veritasium offers insights into science, innovation and interesting places. Each video includes demonstrations, interviews and/or tours to give you a 3-dimensional view of the subject. This channel has 6.53 million subscribers and more than 700 million views.


Launched on 28 May 2012, AsapSCIENCE teaches scientific concepts in a simple and easy-going way. Each lesson includes illustrations to help you absorb the knowledge, while speakers explain the theories in an easy-to-understand way. AsapSCIENCE has 8.87 million subscribers and over 1.2 billion views. 8. Common Sense Education. This channel has been offering students and teachers tips on how to use technology in the classroom since 8 February 2011.

The great thing about this channel is that it is also aimed at Spanish speakers!

Common Sense Education has over 26,000 subscribers and over 7 million views.

9. Edutopia

Launched on 1 May 2007, Edutopia informs teachers and students about the latest educational techniques that have worked for students in K-12 education.

This channel is especially helpful for you if you are an aspiring teacher studying education and want to provide unique value to your students.

Currently, this channel has 114,000 subscribers and more than 23 million views.

10. Big Think

Since 1 October 2006, this channel has offered thought-provoking content from a range of experts, including such well-known names as Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

To date, this channel has 2.68 million subscribers and 326,416,123 views.

11. Teaching Channel

Launched on 14 October 2010, this channel provides teachers with a wealth of special techniques to help each student grow. Today, this channel has more than 47,000 subscribers and over 76,000 views.

12. National Geographic

For those who are passionate about nature, the environment, science and adventure, National Geographic has been offering captivating videos since 7 May 2006. This channel has 12.6 million subscribers and has been viewed well over 3 billion times!

13. Expertvillage

This channel, run by eHow, has been offering a variety of how-to, tips and life advice since its launch on 5 April 2006. To date, this channel has 3.56 million subscribers and over 3.7 billion views.

14. Minutephysics

Launched on 20 June 2011, the minutephysics channel is dedicated to teaching lessons in physics and other science topics. This channel has 4.84 million subscribers and 423,186,865 views and counting.

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  4. 周辺施設のコロワ甲子園、広場、内部施設の甲子園歴史館、ココパークなどが登場する。中国に花王(中国)研究開発中心社設立。 “小説「執行官 狡噛慎也 理想郷の猟犬」特装版4/3(金)一般発売、通常版は4/10(金)発売決定! 2014年8月15日にコミックマーケット86で先行販売されたCDの一般流通版。 2014年12月28日にコミックマーケット87、同年12月29日に音泉の通販で先行販売されたCDの一般流通版。

  5. 美神やピートの師匠でゴーストスイーパー業界でトップ10に入る腕前。喜代美が弟子入りを申し出て断られた直後に草原が稽古していた噺。 “原敬”.


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