5 fascinating Influencer Marketing Statistics for 2022


Influencer marketing, which involves a collaboration between brands and influencers, is a powerful approach that can help companies grow. It’s a marketing strategy that has been successfully used by thousands of businesses and brands and has experienced continued growth over the past decade. 

Influencers are individuals with specific niches and have a significant online following. As they are viewed by their followers as trustworthy experts in their field, they can effectively impact their audience’s purchasing decisions. Their recommendations or endorsements can help brands expand their reach and generate leads.  

Compared to social media marketing or even video marketing, influencer marketing is considered to be a fairly new branch of marketing. Influencer marketing statistics show that an increasing number of businesses are also beginning to invest heavily in it.

1. The global influencer market is expected to grow to $22.2 billion

According to HypeAuditor’s State of Influencer Marketing 2022, the global influencer market is expected to grow to $22.2 billion by 2025 at an annual compound growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6%.

One of the reasons for the growth is the reallocation of marketing budgets from television. print, and other offline media toward digital advertising. The wide adoption of ad-blocking software is also pushing advertisers to consider using influencers to push their products and services.

This is a good sign for anyone invested in influencer marketing. The industry is headed in the right direction for the next couple of years.

2. 70% of teenage YouTube subscribers trust creators over celebrities

According to Google, 70% of teenage YouTube subscribers are more likely to trust YouTube creators than they would celebrities. It goes on to say that 4 in 10 of its millennial subscribers feel that their favorite creators understand them better than their own friends.

And because YouTube creators are able to develop stronger ties with their fans, their audience becomes more engaged with every video. Compared to celebrities, a creator can get 3 times more views and 12 times more comments.

In addition, millennials view YouTube influencers as trendsetters. 7 in 10 users believe that creators are changing and shaping the culture.

3. 81% of users research products on Instagram

81% of Instagram users said that they go on the platform to research products and services they are interested in. 80% added that they use Instagram to decide if they should make a purchase.

This goes to show the role that influencers on the platform play when it comes to purchasing decisions. It’s also a sign that businesses should continue to have a presence on the platform.

4. Influencer marketing is considered a legitimate and mainstream marketing channel today

It wasn’t that long ago that influencer marketing through Instagram or YouTube was more of a fringe strategy. But today, 64% of marketers say they use influencer marketing or plan to do so in 2022. 

5. Influencer posts are more effective for encouraging sales than brand posts

Twitter found a 5.2% increase in purchase intent on Tweets from influencers over Tweets from brands or companies. 

Read more about Influencer Marketing Statistics for 2022-






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