A Beginner’s Guide To Advanced YouTube Channel Settings


Creating a YouTube channel is relatively simple. But making that channel successful, getting views, subscribers and making money is a whole different story. That’s because having a YouTube channel is a serious commitment. Not only do you need to consistently create high-quality content and upload it regularly, but you also need to take full advantage of YouTube’s advanced settings and analytics.

In addition, there are many other factors that drive the growth of a channel. Imagine you open a channel for anything gadget related. You post videos regularly, have an eye-catching intro and offer reliable content. Yet your channel is not growing! 

What is the problem? How will you solve it? This is where YouTube settings come into play. For a professional YouTuber, the advanced settings are like the holy grail.

The more you use them, the more chances you have to gain viewers and subscribers.

In this blog, we’ll talk about YouTube advanced settings and how they can make or break your channel.

Before you can start working with YouTube’s advanced settings, you first need to find them. Here are the steps that will take you to this specific section in YouTube settings.

  • Go to YouTube and sign in to your YouTube account.
  • Click on your profile picture and click on “Creator Studio”
  • Click on the drop-down button “CHANNEL” in the left pane
  • Under the Channel Heading option, select “Advanced”
  • Clicking on “Advanced” will take you to the advanced settings for your YouTube channel.

There are so many little tidbits under this option that you will have fun tweaking your channel and videos. Most people do not use these options. But if you use them, your channel can reach great heights.

Screenshot of YouTube Advanced Settings

How do I configure the advanced YouTube settings?

Once you open Creator Studio and are in the advanced section of the channel, you will see many options that you can change to your advantage.

Go to the dropdown menu under your account information and profile picture, there you will see the “Country” option. Click on the dropdown and select your country. You may think this information is irrelevant or that you do not need to add it, but it can come in handy. Many YouTubers create expensive videos and do not earn that much. If they want to monetise their channel, they use YouTube’s affiliate programme. You can also monetise your channel using YouTube’s affiliate programme. This programme uses your channel for advertising and you get compensated for it. This is a great way to earn revenue.

Channel keywords

When we write blogs, we use keywords to optimise the content for the search engine. Similarly, when video producers open a channel and use keywords. Where can you find the keywords option? If you have already entered the country details, you will find the “Channel Keywords” directly below.

Choose keywords that your brand or channel is about. Make sure you use the keywords effectively. Use them in your video title as well as in your channel description and also in your video tags. 

While the keywords in the video tell YT what your video is about, the channel keywords tell the search engine what your channel is about. Create a set of keywords that work to your advantage.

Your channel is not the only asset you should focus on. Every entrepreneur knows that branching out is a smart decision. So if you do not want to lose your viewers, you need to connect your related website to the channel. In case your channel or videos get blocked, you can always refer the viewers to the related website.

How do you connect the website to the channel? 

Scroll down from the channel keywords and you will see the “Associated website” field.

Add the URL and verify it. You will definitely need to verify the website URL as the owner. Just follow the steps to verify it and you are all set.

YouTube channel recommendations

The internet is becoming more and more intuitive, you get recommended products you are looking for and you get recommended videos you might like.

That’s the way search engines work today. If you want to increase the number of viewers on your channel, you can turn on channel recommendations.

Channel recommendations are soft advertisements for your channel on other similar channels.

This way you increase the chances of being seen and gaining more subscribers. Scroll down in the advanced settings and either turn “channel recommendations” on or off

Google Analytics

How do you know if your content is having its effect? Apart from the number of views on your video and the number of subscribers, how can you check the growth of your channel?

You need a set of tools to learn about demographics, dwell time and traffic sources, and you can do that with the help of Google Analytics.

  • Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  • Set up your new Google Analytics Property Tracking ID. If you already have one, this is not necessary.
  • Copy your Google Analytics Property Tracking ID.
  • Go to Advanced Settings.
  • Scroll downand paste your tracking ID into the GA property tracking ID field
  • Click on Save.

Google Analytics gives you a deep insight into the behaviour of your channel and whether the content you produce is working.


Advertisements can often be annoying to viewers. It’s annoying when you are watching an interesting video and suddenly an advert appears. But if you want to monetise your channel, it is a wise decision to allow appropriate advertising. Ultimately, it’s a judgement call. There are two options to choose from.

  • Allow ads to be displayed next to your video
  • Disable interest-based advertising

If you choose to disable ads, make sure you have a strong content strategy in place to attract more visitors. At the end of the day, it’s all about earning an income from your profession.

Subscriber numbers

Youtube can sometimes be a reckless place, users watch your videos and take in information without subscribing. This can damage your credibility and demotivate you at times.

An important feature that attracts subscribers to you is the subscriber count. For example, if you already have 12,000 subscribers, you have social proof and backing from 12,000 people.

This can be used as leverage to attract more followers to you. In the advanced settings you have the option to show or hide the subscriber count.

If you are new to YouTube, you can hide the numbers until you create good content. But in most cases, the subscriber count can be a great attraction for new subscribers and you need to use it to your advantage.

Success on YouTube does not happen overnight. You have to invest a lot of time and effort to make your channel grow steadily.

You also need to constantly experiment and make the necessary changes to make your channel the best it can be.

Tinkering with YouTube’s advanced settings and analysing everything on it could be crucial for your channel to skyrocket in the long run and get more views and subscribers than other YouTubers in your niche

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