How To Increase Engagement On YouTube Channel Using YouTube Polls?


Want to increase the number of views on your YouTube channel, boost visibility and increase engagement with your viewers? 

From comments, shares, likes and dislikes, there are many ways for creators to interact with their subscribers. YouTube polls are one of them. YouTube surveys can turn your regular YouTube videos into helpful tools for getting feedback from your subscribers.

What are YouTube surveys?

YouTube polls are an online survey created by the YouTuber to share viewers’ opinions and responses. The results can be displayed in real time to the creator and the audience. Polls created by the YouTube community are an easy way to gain knowledge and use it to your advantage. A YouTube survey can help creators bridge the gap between brands and customers without using an external site or survey. 

Let us say you have a YouTube channel for cooking at home. Your target audience is other cooks looking for easy recipes to make at home. You can conduct a survey to find out what ingredients your viewers have in their pantry right now, and then create a YouTube video utilizing a free online YouTube video editor with those key ingredients.

If you run a YouTube channel for educational purposes, your target audience is probably students looking for additional information and help. Create a YouTube survey to find out what areas your viewers need help with the most and convert the most upvoted answer into your next YouTube learning video.

Check the legitimacy of your YouTube survey

There are a few requirements that both creators and subscribers must meet before they can use YouTube polls.

YouTube survey requirements for content creators

  1. YouTube channels must have more than 500 subscribers to access community posts.
  2. If you have only recently reached 500 subscribers, it may take up to 1 week for the Community tab to appear.
  3. Make sure your YouTube channel is not set for children.

Requirements for YouTube polls for subscribers

  1. Viewers must be logged into their YouTube account to vote.
  2. Mobile users must use the YouTube app for iOS and Android.

How to create a poll on YouTube?

Step 1. Create a new post in YouTube Studio

  • Go to YouTube Studio and sign in to your YouTube account. Click the Create button in the top right corner and then click the Create Post button.
  • Please recheck that the Community tab is selected.

Step 2: Design your YouTube poll

  • Select the Poll option.
  • Then type the question you want to ask your YouTube community in the text box. Once you have asked your question, you can add voting options.

Step 3: Publish your YouTube poll

  • Once you have created your YouTube poll, click the blue Publish button or click the arrow to schedule a post. Your published polls will appear on the Published tab and your scheduled posts will appear on the Scheduled tab.

Why you should use YouTube Surveys?

Creating YouTube polls is an easy and effective way for any YouTube channel to increase engagement. Check out six reasons why creators should use poll cards to engage with their subscribers.

1. Your audience can direct your video content 

If you are looking for new video content ideas or do not know what your subscribers like, surveys can give you the inspiration you need. Involve your viewers and make them feel needed and valued through surveys. Instead of scrolling through the comments section of every video to see what your subscribers think about your content, YouTube polls give you instant feedback in seconds. Feedback from your viewers tells you what content is working and what content you should not be creating.

2. Create conversation 

YouTube polls are great for feedback, but they are not just for instant responses. Creators can ask their viewers specific questions via the poll in the hope of sparking a discussion in the comments section. Getting more comments from viewers is one of the best ways to get on the recommended YouTube page and a good reason to create a YouTube survey.

3. Insight into the upload schedule

Creators can ask their viewers and the YouTube community direct questions in real time. Find out what time or days viewers prefer to watch videos through a YouTube survey so you can create content in advance. Choosing upload days that work best for viewers can increase engagement. Simple but effective.

4. Better support for virtual learning

Educational channels like virtual learning can use surveys to find out where viewers are struggling to understand something or where they need extra help. A survey is completely anonymous, so viewers can keep their opinions to themselves.

5. Have fun with your subscribers and viewers

Surveys do not always have to be serious questions. You can create a YouTube poll to interact with your viewers in a fun way by asking them interesting questions to grab attention. Try to get viewers to show emotion and join in the conversation.

If you connect with viewers on a personal and friendly level, the more subscribers you can attract.

6. Bind subscribers back to previous content

Get more views by directing viewers to older video content via YouTube polls. New subscribers may not be familiar with your previous content, so YouTube surveys can drive them to watch more on your channel. You can even turn the videos suggested in the YouTube survey into YouTube shorts. Surveys are an indispensable tool to gather information, interact with subscribers and control the future of your channel.

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