First 4 steps to building a writing career

So you've decided to start your own blog. Maybe you want to share your art tips, drum up a bit of interest in your portfolio or share your thoughts and opinions on more than just your Twitter feed.


There are plenty of blogs out there, all clamoring for people’s attention, so you’ll need to stand out from the crowd if you want to stand a chance of being noticed, and you’ll need to stick with it; the best blogs are the ones that are updated regularly. It can be disappointing for readers to realise they’ve come to the end of your content, as the last time you updated your blog was in 2011. 

list-write news articles, etc. You can be a content writer — write blog posts for companies. You can be a copywriter — write ads, landing pages, website copy, etc. You can be all of these things.

1. Figure out what you want to write about

Research industries that are interesting to you. If you want to write blog content, maybe you also love yoga and being vegan — you can get paid to write that kind of content. Maybe you love writing short, snappy copy for Spanx ads. Or, maybe you like writing about being an entrepreneur.

2. Design your own website

When you know what you want to write about, find company blogs or websites that feature that type of content. Try to mimic your favorite pieces/writers, but write something original, with a fresh angle and build your writing portfolio.

3. Writing feedback

Your portfolio needs at least 3 pieces. You need an editor (with experience in your chosen niche/type of content) to make sure it’s readable, and formatted correctly. Reach out to the writers on blogs you like. Ask them to take a look. 

4. Try every day

The speed at which you become a full-time writer is determined by how many times you try.

  • Spend time every day writing and practicing.
  • Use the tips above to build a solid portfolio.
  • Focus 80% of your work time on growth in month 3.

If you’re going to take this writing thing seriously, then you seriously need to stop making excuses and build the damn portfolio, research the clients, and reach out to prospects.

In your first month, you create a kickass portfolio and work hard to improve your writing.