Who are your keywords speaking to? How do you use keywords in digital marketing? 

Who are your keywords speaking to? How do you use keywords in digital marketing?
Who are your keywords speaking to? How do you use keywords in digital marketing?

Customers don’t always know exactly what they want. Even if you do, you may not have the exact words that lead to the end product you envision. In other words, he should provide SEO context to help your online store. Customers don’t always know exactly what they want. Even if you do, you may not have the exact words that lead to the end product you envision. That means you need to provide the SEO context to help your online store. 

Understand your audience’s knowledge level 

 Many terms are used when selling highly technical products. For good SEO, you should include these jargon in your product description, title and helpful specs section.  A simple way to do this is: 

 1) Use bullet points

Search engines measure the readability of your page even if you have to put a lot of information on  the page. So please keep it readable.

 2) Add and explain specific terms

Like these bullet points, there are short sentences. However, there is a further explanation. This structure allows you to enter both technical and general search terms to help match more search queries.  

3) Create a Q and A section

This allows you to speak not only with your own voice, but also with the voice of your customers. Use Questions to write down the most likely question verbatim and answer it. Capture long-tail keywords and drive visitors out of the shopping cart with just a click. Prioritize your target market 

With a few tactics, you can target both techies and  consumers. However, it is also necessary to segregate the markets over time. Not every page needs to be  perfect  for everyone. 

Create one landing page for one customer persona and another for the second main demographic, even if you’re trying to sell exactly the  same thing. One social media post uses technical knowledge and another social media post uses general terms. Your content should be perfectly tailored to searchers, even if they are few. 

Tips for  using keyword intent to optimize your website 

The idea behind keyword intent website optimization  is to identify the reasons for certain searches that lead to increased traffic. Here are some tips on how to use keyword intents. 

Consider Use of Transactional Keywords 

Most marketers underestimate the impact of using transactional keywords on contact pages and service pages for website optimization purposes. The truth is that leveraging the power of transactional keywords by including them at the bottom of the funnel pages can generate high-quality website traffic. Some of the transactional keyword phrases you can use to optimize your website include “Get in Touch,” your business name, or “Contact.” 

 Once you identify the right transactional phrase that encourages users to take action, you can include transactional keywords at the final stages of the buying cycle. Some of the transactional keywords you can consider using in your website include “[Category of business] Free Quote,” “Hire [Category of business],” “[Category of business] for hire.” 

Consider Leveraging High Intent Non-Transactional Keywords

The product page is probably the most valuable resource for anyone targeting individuals with a transactional intent. Focusing on your website product page as the only asset for converting sales may deny you an opportunity to capture leads and future customers. Introducing landing pages that focus on  non-transactional keywords can increase traffic to your site. 

For example, a user searching for “mixer types” may not be ready to buy right away, but they are potential customers. By providing a dedicated landing page for users who aren’t yet ready to make a purchase, you can build a relationship with them and increase conversions. 

Use keywords in your digital marketing strategy 

Everything is based on the keywords you use. They play an important role in both organic and paid search and  also help solidify  your company’s identity. 

Two important types of keywords 

When doing keyword research, we recommend starting with primary and secondary keywords. Primary keywords are  words or phrases that viewers associate directly with your brand. It is different from “brand keywords” which actually use the name of the company or organization. 

For example, the main keyword could be “shoes”. Secondary keywords are  words or phrases that add a little more detail to your primary keyword and help narrow down your target audience. 

For example, “women’s shoes” is a good second keyword. The interesting thing about secondary keywords is that they are actually more important than the primary keyword. Buyer intent is much higher because these are more specific than primary keywords. Think about it…If you were a women’s shoe retailer that specialized in high-end high heels, would you want someone to refer you to them using the word “shoes” or “Women’s shoes near me?” Do you want to be referred to “High Heel Shoe Store”? In this case, the second keyword brings people to your site who are  more likely to actually buy the shoes than those who type them in. You can search from men’s shoes, children’s shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, business shoes, etc. Only a small percentage of  people searching for “shoes” may actually be interested in what you’re selling. 

Where to start

Getting started with keyword research is not that difficult once you understand how people use keywords. Customers use keywords  all the time when searching. You can use virtual assistants like Alexa or Siri to ask the perfect question, type a few words into the Google engine, or use highly detailed search terms to find products and services to sell. increase. Luckily, you don’t need to hire an outside expert to find your keywords. You know your business better than anyone, so you are the best choice for keywords. Sure, your agency may be able to provide insight into how your clients are using search terms, but you still know best  what your clients are looking for. 

Find the perfect keyword 

Keyword research is usually done first by looking at your girlfriend’s website or marketing materials you have on hand. The best step is to start by finding her 3 or her 4 “seed” keywords  to base your offer on. Once you’ve identified these keywords, you can broaden your search by looking up words your competitors are using or by asking your customers how they found you. 

Seed word 

For the reasons above, the “seed” word should not be too narrow. We want  people who visit our website to be aspiring buyers, not casual buyers. Choose  short, everyday phrases that you and your customers relate to your company or industry and your specific offer. Using the example of women’s shoes, keywords such as “women’s high heels her boots”, “women’s high heels”, and “women’s high heels” are suitable. 

Now let’s take a quick look at the keywords. If it contains language that is not directly related to your service or product, the person should leave. For example, “women’s high heels” contains the word “for”. You don’t need the “for”. Useless words that add no value to your search term. The same is true for other words. We want to avoid articles, prepositions, pronouns, and other non-specific words. They want your keywords to work hard for you. No scrubbing. 

Look around

The next step is to grow your keyword list by reviewing your website, talking to your customers, and researching the keywords your competitors  use. If you don’t have a website yet, use the Google search engine to see what keywords it suggests. Start typing and Google will suggest keywords. 

For example, if you type “high heels for women”, you’ll get a lot of keywords to choose from, such as “high heel ankle boots for women, high heel sandals for women, high heels for women sale, high for women”. 

Maybe there are top sellers that people think people are searching for.  If you  have a website, check if the Google Analytics and Google Search Console features are set up. These are great tools to help you  identify the search terms that are driving users to your site. 

You can also use free online keyword tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Bing Keyword Research, or Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest. There are also some very good paid options such as Mangools Keyword Finder, SEM Rush and Spyfu. These can help you identify keywords you might not have thought of.  By now you should have a fairly extensive list of keywords. Then start incorporating them into your website content. It can also be used for paid searches via Google and other search engines. 

Keyword stuffing was very common back in the days when the internet was ubiquitous. Website builders  just stuff websites with relevant keywords, and  search engines  just gobble them up and spit out results containing websites with the most keywords. After a while it became very apparent that the developer had literally added a block of keyword text to the bottom of the website page and changed the font color to white to match the page background. We didn’t see anyone but the bots, so whoever had the most keywords got the most search love. 

Add keywords to your site 

Fortunately, those days are  over. Search engines are getting a little more sophisticated these days. No more searching for tons of keywords on your page. Instead, they want to see  entire pages built around a single keyword topic. Furthermore, I don’t want this theme to be used on many sites either. You want great, robust, and responsive pages  that focus on specific keywords. 

In addition to maintaining a minimum word count of 300 words, search engines also require the use of keywords in certain places such as titles, first paragraphs, meta descriptions, and throughout the body of articles, pages and posts. increase. You can also add keywords to alt tags (meta information associated with images used on your page). Don’t forget to use it for subheadings as well. 

Equipping your website with relevant, high-performing keywords is probably the most important thing you can do to achieve long-term search rankings. Even if you rank poorly at first, if you keep maintaining your site and keep it up to date with new content, search engines will take notice over time and your ranking will move closer and closer to the first page of  search results. increase. 

Use of offsite keywords 

Beyond your website, you can also use these keywords in your advertising campaigns, both on social media and  search engines. No doubt you’ve seen  ad titles on Google and other search engines, but you may not know that  social media platforms are actually very powerful search engines as well. 

Keywords serve as the foundation of your digital marketing strategy and are therefore essential to everything you do online. They not only drive the content you create, they also pave the way for your brand narrative,  brand identity and overall digital personality.

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