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Denial: refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant... His mother has been arrested, his government is under new threat, the relentless media is driving him mad, and denial becomes the word of the day for President Nick Cappuano. Meanwhile, his wife, DC Metro Police Lt. Sam Holland Cappuano has caught a big new case with suspects everywhere she looks. Watch for her partner, Detective Freddie Cruz, to take center stage in this investigation when a variety of personal situations keep Sam off the job. With the countdown on to their second anniversary, the first couple is keeping their heads down and their eyes on the prize of a week away from the capital city. But with threats circling all around them, will they be able to make it happen? The fifth First Family book picks up right where State of Shock left off, with Sam and her family continuing to absorb the loss of a beloved family member as she and her team work to clean up the mess former Lt. Stahl has left behind.
States of Denial
Denial dramatizes Deborah E. Lipstadt's inspiring fight to defend the truth of the Holocaust. Her fight echoes the struggles of others who've confronted the
State of Denial by Bob Woodward (Signed) (Signed Copy)
"State of Denial" reveals that at the urging of Vice President Cheney and Rumsfeld, the most frequent outside visitor and Iraq adviser to President Bush is
State of Denial By Bob Woodward - Books - Review
“State of Denial,” the jacket tells us, is Part 3 of his “Bush at War” cycle. This is obvious sleight of hand. Woodward's first book provided so
Review of State of Denial by Bob Woodward
Putting aside comparisons between Woodward's earlier books on the Bush administration and looking just at State of Denial, most reviewers agree that it offers a
American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict
What military strategy would best enable the United States and its allies and partners to deny China's efforts to undermine the anti-hegemonic coalition? The
A State of Denial: Texas Justice and the Death Penalty
A State of Denial: Texas Justice and the Death Penalty Texas Defender Service* Executive Summary The nation is embroiled in a debate over the death…
(Art by Jack Browning.) Alabama's capitol is a crime scene. The cover-up has lasted 120 years. State of Denial: How white-washed history
The Strategy of Denial
“Colby's well-crafted and insightful Strategy of Denial provides a superb and, showing how the United States can prepare to win a war with China that we
State of Denial
State of Denial. Inside Arizona's Division of Developmental Disabilities. Arizona's services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are
State of Denial
Odette is a young Rwandan-Canadian filmmaker who has travelled to Turkey to investigate stories of genocide and hidden identity for an upcoming film.
State of Denial (film)
State of Denial is a 2003 documentary film about AIDS in Africa, produced and directed by Elaine Epstein. The film highlights the errors of President