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The Horus Heresy is over and The World Eaters Legion needs a leader.Their greatest hero, Khârn, lies in a coma.– but will his awakening save them, or doom them entirely? The Horus Heresy is over and the Traitor Legions have scattered, fleeing the wrath of a vengeful Imperium. The World Eaters are leaderless, their primarch missing and their greatest hero, Khârn, in a coma. The surviving World Eaters have turned upon themselves, the Butcher’s Nails driving them to ever greater acts of berserk savagery. Poised on the brink of destruction, the Legion needs a leader. It needs Khârn – but will his awakening save them, or doom them entirely?
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Khârn: Eater of Worlds by Anthony Reynolds — Reviews
Start by marking “Khârn: Eater of Worlds” as Want to Read: Want to Khârn: Eater of Worlds (Black Library Advent 2014 #25). by Anthony