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Take control of creating your own financial independence and the option to retire early on your terms The Financial Independence, Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) movement has inspired many to optimize their finances and retire sooner than they ever imagined. This creates the time freedom and happiness you want years, or even decades, before the traditional age. F.I.R.E. For Dummies shows you how to make financial freedom and early retirement a reality. With the easy-to-follow steps in this guide, you can set yourself up to follow your big dreams without worry of money being an obstacle. Decrease debts, taxes and expenses while increasing earnings, savings and investing, is what gets you on the road toward building your wealth. You’ll learn how to maximize this process and speed up your time to financial independence and retiring early. Discover why the Financial Independence, Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) movement has grown so rapidly Get concrete instructions and advice for retiring earlier or putting yourself in the powerful position to leave your job on your terms Plan and organize your finances in a way that doesn’t make you feel reliant on a job to financially thrive Overcome the common obstacles for retiring early like losing social connections, filling your time, strict rules around accessing retirement accounts early or health insurance Learn from someone that has achieved F.I.R.E. and helps light the way for you on your own journey This is the perfect Dummies guide for anyone looking to move from the basics of their finances to reaching F.I.R.E. and enjoying the time freedom it creates. Regardless of where you currently are with your money or career, now is the right time to get started.
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