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The Nightcrawler, Eye on the Sky was a yearlong research project and discovery of UAPs observed on New York's Long Island coast. This scientific study is an invaluable contribution to the burgeoning on-the-ground observational science of UAP. The work carried out by these researchers furthers the serious, evidence-based research that needs to be done in order to lay the foundation for real progress - both in understanding what UAP could be and how they can operate and behave as observations suggest. Without the kind of careful, instrumented observations conducted by serious field investigators like the Tedesco brothers, there would be no foundation for determining substantial, coherent and consistent methodology for the observational science of UAP. Combined, the brothers bring decades of engineering and practical, hands-on technical experience to bear on their research - yet another valuable contribution to a field that can benefit not only from academic scientists, who aim to secure confirmatory observations under stricter laboratory conditions but also from the more foundational field experience of those having to negotiate the complexities of observation of UAP in real contexts. Because UAP is observed in real-life situations rather than under laboratory conditions, the work of field scientists like the Tedesco brothers is absolutely key for progress in the scientific study of UAP. Where other research projects struggle to organize, orchestrate, and execute, John and Gerry are demonstrating a refreshing agility and nimbleness in their decisive and calculated approach to research and discovery that will no doubt lead to quantum leaps in the understanding of the phenomena that define their future-critical, interdisciplinary field. Through their disciplined research, Gerry and John are already making significant and meaningful contributions, and there is no doubt in my mind that time will reveal this valuable team to be pioneers of not only a new scientific paradigm but a new fundamental ontology that will be a compass for generations to come.