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NOT function - Microsoft Support Use the NOT function, one of the logical functions, when you want to make sure one value is not equal to another. One common use for the NOT function is to SWITCH function - Microsoft Support The SWITCH function evaluates one value (called the expression) against a list on Windows or Mac if you have Office 2019, or if you have a Microsoft 365 CONCAT function - Microsoft Support However, the CONCATENATE function will stay available for compatibility with earlier versions of Excel. Note: This feature is available on Windows or Mac if you Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions - Tattered Cover Use Excel 365 and Excel 2021 core features to build spreadsheets that solve business problems and deliver reliable answers. Drawing on his unsurpassed Using functions and nested functions in Excel formulas Using functions and nested functions in Excel formulas. Excel for Microsoft 365 Excel 2021 Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions by Paul McFedries Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Start by marking “Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions (Office 2021 and Microsoft 365)” as Want to Excel help & learning - Microsoft Support Find Microsoft Excel help and learning resources. Formulas & functions templates and new creative options when you subscribe to Microsoft 365. SORTBY function - Microsoft Support Learn about the SORTBY function, which sorts the contents of a range or array Note: This function is currently available to Microsoft 365 subscribers in Microsoft Excel VBA and Macros (Office 2021 - Microsoft Excel VBA and Macros (Office 2021 and Microsoft 365) (Business Skills) eBook : Jelen, Bill, Syrstad, Tracy: Kindle Store. VLOOKUP function - Microsoft Support How to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel to find data in a table or a range by row.Jun 15, 2020 NETWORKDAYS function - Microsoft Support This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the NETWORKDAYS function in Microsoft Excel. Description. Returns the number of whole working days FILTER function - Microsoft Support How to use the FILTER function in Excel to filter a range of data based on Note: This function is currently available only to Microsoft 365 subscribers.Jun 15, 2020