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If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Staying Together by James J. Sexton Hard-hitting divorce lawyer James Sexton shares his insights and wisdom from the front lines of divorce to keep you out of his office and improve your relationship. If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late. James Sexton knows this. After dealing with more than a thousand clients whose marriages have dissolved over everything from an ill-advised threesome with the nanny to the uneven division of carpool duties, he also knows all of the what-not-to-dos for couples who want to build—and consistently work to preserve—a lasting, fulfilling relationship. Described by former clients as a “courtroom gunslinger” and “the sociopath you want on your side,” Sexton tells the unvarnished truth about relationships, diving straight into the most common marital problems. These usually derive from dishonest—or nonexistent—communication. Even when the alleged reason for separation is one spouse’s new “personal trainer,” there’s likely a communication problem that predates the fitness kick. Symptom and root cause get confused all the time. Sexton has spent his career working with spouses-to-be-no-longer. Reverse engineering a relationship can help to identify and fix what does not work. Ever feel like you’re holding back criticism of your spouse because you just can’t have that fight right now? Sexton will tell you to “Hit Send Now.” Maybe you aren’t as adventurous as you used to be, or need some "you time," but for some reason it seems weird or exhausting to change up the routine now. Sexton knows where that mentality leads and offers viable alternative paths to take. Though he deals constantly with the heartbreak of others, he still believes in romance and the transformative power of love. This book is his opportunity to use what he has learned to help couples that aren’t so far gone get back on track.
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If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late - Title – Rightsdesk
A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Staying Together. Hard-hitting divorce lawyer James Sexton shares his insights and wisdom from the front lines of divorce to keep you out of his office and improve your relationship. If You're in My Office, It's AlreadyToo Late. James Sexton knows this. After dealing with more than a thousand
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If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's
If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to StayingTogether | James J. Sexton | ISBN: 9781250130778 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.
If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's - Ibs
If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to StayingTogether è un libro di James J SextonHenry Holt & Company : acquista su IBS a 18.06€!