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LEFT HAND THROW First Base Leather Baseball Glove Product:T-PH1B 12.75 PRO" First Base Mitt Keeping with our niche of classically designed leather sporting goods, Leather Head ball gloves come in a handful. How To Be An Effective First Baseman - CoachUp Nation Excitingly enough, one fantastic aspect of playing first base is that you have the chance to be involved in every defensive play. That being said, a first S-3 12.5" H-Web First Base Mitt FIRST BASE definition in American English 2 senses: 1. baseball a. the base that a runner must reach safely to score a hit, and the first of the three bases the runner. Baseball/First Baseman He also fields ground balls hit toward him, and usually has a short run to first base so that he can reach first base with the fielded ball before the batter Get to first base Definition & Meaning The meaning of GET TO FIRST BASE is to make the first step in a course or process that one hopes will lead further —usually used in negative statements. 7.15 Use of a Double First Base 7.15 Use of a Double First Base. Procedures for Use of a Double First Base: The double base may be used for first base only. The base must be rectangular, with