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Secret Birmingham - Bournville Village - YouTube Discover Bournville. A short film as part of Secret Birmingham Secret Birmingham is a digital guided cycling and walking tour of heritage Bournville by Jonathan Coe review – hugely impressive Cadbury Bournville Dark Chocolate - 180g Bar Bournville Facts for Kids Bournville: Beautiful Garden Suburb to Birmingham Bournville Primary School Cadbury Bournville Cocoa 180g Cadbury Bournville Classic Dark Chocolate Bar, 180g The dark chocolate that's held a place in the nation's heart for over 100 years. It's perfectly balanced between a deliciously dark, intensely rich flavour Our Story | ' And so, Bournville became a place where employees could live, work and play. Children enjoyed a new playground, country outings and summer camps. Whilst the These are the 12 reasons why Bournville is brilliant