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Ollie Hicks and Emma Oosterhous Live at Colfax They will be celebrating their new graphic novel, Grand Slam Romance! hard hits, and a bevy of softball-playing babes, Grand Slam Romance: Book 1 is a Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) In this queer graphic novel that's equal parts romance, softball, and magical girl drama, Mickey Monsoon is the hotshot pitcher for the Belle City Broads, and Grand Slam Romance A queer graphic novel that is equal parts romance, softball and magical girl drama. Mickey Monsoon and Astra Maxima are best friends. Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) Lisez « Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) » de Emma Oosterhous disponible chez Rakuten Kobo. A queer graphic novel where the balls are fast, '[Pdf] read' Grand Slam Romance Read/Download Kindle Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) by Ollie Hicks on Iphone Full Pages. Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) In this queer graphic novel that's equal parts romance, softball, and magical girl drama, Mickey Monsoon is the hotshot pitcher for the Belle City Broads, and Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) A queer graphic novel where the balls are fast, the smooches are spicy, and the girls . . . magical.
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Ollie Hicks and Emma Oosterhous Live at Colfax They will be celebrating their new graphic novel, Grand Slam Romance! hard hits, and a bevy of softball-playing babes, Grand Slam Romance: Book 1 is a Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) In this queer graphic novel that's equal parts romance, softball, and magical girl drama, Mickey Monsoon is the hotshot pitcher for the Belle City Broads, and Grand Slam Romance A queer graphic novel that is equal parts romance, softball and magical girl drama. Mickey Monsoon and Astra Maxima are best friends. Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) Lisez « Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) » de Emma Oosterhous disponible chez Rakuten Kobo. A queer graphic novel where the balls are fast, '[Pdf] read' Grand Slam Romance Read/Download Kindle Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) by Ollie Hicks on Iphone Full Pages. Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) In this queer graphic novel that's equal parts romance, softball, and magical girl drama, Mickey Monsoon is the hotshot pitcher for the Belle City Broads, and Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) Grand Slam Romance (Grand Slam Romance Book 1) A queer graphic novel where the balls are fast, the smooches are spicy, and the girls . . . magical.