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This new book sets forth groundbreaking research connecting ancient prophesies concerning the Biblical antichrist to the modern LGBTQ worldwide movement. These historic details and prophetic passages have been overlooked since the early church. Many Christians are unaware of these passages but need to know about them. They foreshadow with detailed accuracy the dark colors of the expanding LGBTQ rainbow being manifested in our day.
This information also relates to major events described in the book of Daniel and mentioned by Christ in Mathew 24 pertaining to a future tribulation and His glorious return. All this demonstrates that the Lord's return is much closer than many have assumed. The church also needs these insights so we can both understand and be prepared for whatever challenges are ahead. This book illustrates how God's people can overcome all the current forces at work, even those of antichrist.
It also shows how we can stand firm in our faith and shine as lights with the message of his invincible kingdom.