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A group of teenagers meet God at an abandoned amusement park. An immortal, child-eating monster grows too close to his prey. A clandestine tryst in a Chuck-E-Cheese ball pit takes a turn for the revolting. A grieving man sets out in dogged pursuit of the artist he blames for his fiancé's suicide. These ghosts and more reside in this electric debut short story collection by Phoenix Mendoza. This anthology's aim is to explore the profound union between hunger and loneliness, told in a series of voyeuristic meditations on human longing. All at once sincere and absurd, tender and disgusting, hilarious and heart-twisting, Salivation is an unapologetic foray into the lengths we go to in order to seek even the pantomime of connection.
Mouth-Watering Prospect: Salivation to Material Reward
by D Gal · 2012 · Cited by 58 —
Excessive Saliva: Causes and How to Fix It
Sep 6, 2023 —
6 Simple Ways To Produce More Saliva
Jul 13, 2020 —
List of 3 Excessive Salivation Medications Compared
Compare risks and benefits of common medications used for Excessive Salivation. Find the most popular drugs, view ratings and user reviews.
Hypersalivation: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatments, and More
In hypersalivation, your salivary glands produce more saliva than usual. If the extra saliva begins to accumulate, it may begin to drip out of your mouth
SALIVATE Definition & Usage Examples
salivate verb (used without object),sal·i·vat·ed, sal·i·vat·ing. to produce saliva. verb (used with object),sal·i·vat·ed, sal·i·vat·ing. to produce an
Terry Allen - Salivation
Terry Allen - Salivation - Music.
FYI: Managing Excessive Saliva
Early in the course of the disease, excess salivation can be controlled by simply being aware of the problem and making a conscious effort to swallow the saliva
Excessive Production of Saliva in Cats
Jul 2, 2009 —
How to Stop Drooling or Excessive Salivation While Awake
Anticholinergic medications: You can use glycopyrrolate and other oral anticholinergics, such as trihexyphenidyl, benztropine and hyoscyamine, under your
salivation in cattle. i. feed and animal factors
by RM Meyer · 1964 · Cited by 76 —
salivation - definition and meaning
salivation: An abnormally abundant flow of saliva; the act or process of salivating, or producing an excessive secretion of saliva, generally by means of
"Salivation" redirects here. Not to be confused with Salvation. Saliva Salivary secretion is also associated with nausea. Saliva is usually formed in the
In psychology, salivation is a physiological response that has been studied extensively in the context of classical conditioning and behavioral psychology. This
Excessive drooling, called sialorrhea, is a common symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD) and can cause awkwardness in social situations.