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They go by a lot of different names—civilians, unintended victims, innocent bystanders—but no matter what they are called their stories are most frequently left untold. From the families scraping by in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, to the prisoner sentenced to life for transporting drugs to save his son’s life, to the soldier who served his country only to be deported, the people whose stories are told in this book all lead rich and multifaceted lives of struggle, the telling of which honors them—and us. The Fruit of All My Grief returns us to the universal themes of endurance, struggle, survival, and the injustices of mammoth institutions and public indifference. J. Malcolm Garcia’s soaring narratives amount to an updated portrait of lives lived in the shadows of the American dream—not in the Great Depression years or in the McCarthy era but very much now in the closing year of the second decade of the twenty-first century.
The Fruit of All My Grief: Lives in the Shadows of - Barnes & Noble
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The Fruit of All My Grief by J. Malcolm Garcia - Penguin Books New
Lives in the Shadows of the American Dream The Fruit of All My Grief let us feel the fears, hopes, and outrage of those living in the shadows of the "American
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The Fruit of All My Grief: Lives in the Shadows of the American Dream
They go by a lot of different names—civilians, unintended victims, innocent bystanders—but no matter what they are called their stories are most frequently left
The Fruit of All My Grief: Lives in the Shadows of the American
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The Fruit of All My Grief: Lives in the Shadows of the American
The Fruit of All My Grief: Lives in the Shadows of the American Dream: J. Malcolm Garcia: Books.