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Emotion processing and the amygdala: from a 'low road' to The amygdala, in particular, is a recipient of visual signals from the anterior visual cortex. According to the 'standard hypothesis', a subcortical pathway Involvement of the amygdala in memory storage - PubMed The central hypothesis guiding the research reviewed in this paper is that emotional arousal activates the amygdala and that such activation results in the Individual Differences in Amygdala Activity Predict Response The human amygdala has classically been viewed as a brain structure primarily related to emotions and dissociated from higher cognition. The Importance of the Amygdala - Neuroscience - NCBI Since the amygdala is a site where neural activity produced by both tones and shocks can be processed, it is reasonable to suppose that the amygdala is also the Beyond Emotion: Understanding the Amygdala's Role in The amygdala may be best known as the part of the brain that drives the so-called “fight or flight” response. While it is often associated with The amygdala - Cell Press For example, the lateral nucleus of what is now called the amygdala will continue to be an important region in fear learning even if the overall concept of the Amygdala and Emotion: The Bright Side of It - Frontiers It has long been known that the amygdala, a bilateral structure from the medial temporal lobe, is related to emotion, particularly in Amygdala - The Science of Psychotherapy The amygdala forms part of the limbic system. It is most commonly recognized as the emotional processing centre that receives incoming sensory Amygdala Activity Is Associated with the Successful Encoding It may be that the amygdala primarily enhances memory for details directly linked to an emotional item and plays less of a role in modulating memory for Amygdala volume and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis The amygdala plays a central role in emotional processing and has an activating influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. From Structure to Behavior in Basolateral Amygdala - NCBI The amygdala is specialized for the processing of emotion, while the hippocampus is essential for episodic memory. Thus, the communication Amygdala - Latest research and news - Nature The amygdala is a group of nuclei located within the anterior medial portion of the brain's temporal lobe. Part of the limbic system, the amygdala is Amygdala - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics The amygdala is a diverse collection of nuclei in the medial temporal lobe that evaluates the biological relevance of sensory stimuli and mediates many elements Amygdala - Wikipedia Shown to perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision making, and emotional responses (including fear, anxiety, and aggression), the amygdalae