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The Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads The Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads, Sweets, and More: A Baking Book (English Edition) eBook : Leo, Maurizio: Kindle The Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of - The Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads, Sweets, and More: A Baking Book eBook : Leo, Maurizio: Kindle Store. The Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads Amazon配送商品ならThe Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads, Sweets, and More: A Baking Bookが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が Bread - The Bread Baker's Apprentice, 15th Anniversary Edition: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread [A Baking Book]. 3,791. 43 offers from $26.75 · #11 · The A Baking Book eBook by Maurizio Leo - The Perfect Loaf Buy the eBook The Perfect Loaf, The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads, Sweets, and More: A Baking Book by Maurizio Leo online from Australia's leading Sourdough Cookbook - The Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads, Sweets, and More: A Baking Book. by Maurizio Leo · Hardcover. $32.99$