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Osteotomies around the knee have recently become more popular again. New techniques and implants have improved the results and have decreased the complication ratio. Axial corrections of the leg, however, require exact indication placement, planning and execution. This book includes: recent biomechanical and clinical data that has been taken into consideration; extensive descriptions of the newly advanced operation techniques and implants; a complete index on the current expertise of knee osteotomy techniques; numerous pictures and illustrations in color to facilitate understanding; highlighted rhetoric formulas and practical tips; and the clinical knowledge of the authors from the development group of angle-stable osteotomy implants.
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Osteotomies around the knee have recently become more popular again. New techniques and implants have improved the results and have decreased the complication ratio. Axial corrections of the leg, however, require exact indication placement, planning and execution. This book includes: recent biomechanical and clinical data that has been taken into consideration; extensive descriptions of the newly advanced operation techniques and implants; a complete index on the current expertise of knee osteotomy techniques; numerous pictures and illustrations in color to facilitate understanding; highlighted rhetoric formulas and practical tips; and the clinical knowledge of the authors from the development group of angle-stable osteotomy implants.