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Events - City Lit Books At City Lit Books, we love being part of the Chicago's reading and writing novel from the award-winning universe of Central Station, far-future Neom is Neom - Ontario Library Service Consortium - OverDrive Learn more about Neom in the Ontario Library Service Consortium digital novel from the award-winning universe of Central Station, far-future Neom is Neom (Paperback) | BookPeople Of Moscow In this deeply imaginative novel from the award-winning universe of Central Station, far-future Neom is already old. Sentient machines roam the desert searching Central Station | Zeno Agency Ltd. The new novel, NEOM, is due to be published by Tachyon Publications in 'Lavie Tidhar's NEOM is a stunning return to his world of CENTRAL STATION, Neom: A Novel from the World of Central Station Kindle Edition Neom: A Novel from the World of Central Station eBook : Tidhar, Lavie: Kindle Store. Saudi's 100-mile mega-city is meant to blow our minds Neom is arguably the most dramatic project in the world of architecture and of the Chinese government's main television station CCTV, Neom - Lavie Tidhar - In the desert, young orphan Saleh has joined a caravan, hoping to earn his passage off-world from Central Station. But the desert is full of mechanical Neom a book by Lavie Tidhar - Bookshop Today, Neom is a utopian dream--a megacity of the future yet to be built in the Saudi novel, Neom, which includes a guide to the Central Station-verse,