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Final Verdict: The Holocaust on Trial in the 21st Century The gripping narrative of one of the last Nazi criminal trials in Germany--that of Bruno Dey, a 93-year-old former concentration camp guard charged with Combating History's Biggest Lie: Holocaust Denial in the by DRH BRACKMAN — Browse Books: True Crime / Murder / Mass Murder Final Verdict: The Holocaust on Trial in the 21st Century By Tobias Buck Cover Image. Final Verdict: The Holocaust on Trial in the 21st Century (Hardcover). the Holocaust, history and the David Irving trial / Richard J. judgement later confirmed by the Court of Appeal Evans argues that the trial does for the twenty-first century what the Eichmann trial did for the second half HOLOCAUST DENIAL'S ASSAULT ON MEMORY by H Brackman · Cited by 4 — Postwar trials and denazification The verdicts were announced on the 1 October 1946. Twelve of the defendants were sentenced to death, including Hermann Göring and Julius Streicher, three Catalog Home Final Verdict: The Holocaust on Trial in the 21st Century by Buck, Tobias. A Leader's Destiny: Why Psychology, Personality, and Character Make All the David Irving In 1992, a German court found Irving guilty of Holocaust denial under the Auschwitzlüge (Auschwitz lie/Holocaust denial) section of the law against The Last Nazi Trials Wilhelmine Preussen, “Nazi camp secretary found guilty in potentially final Holocaust trial,” Politico, (December 20, 2022). “102-year-old convicted former Nazi Final Verdict: The Holocaust on Trial in the 21st Century Final Verdict investigates questions that touch on German history, politics, and memory culture, and on the author's own family history. Buck revisits the