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This book was written for a variety of reasons. Here are just a few: First, to motivate the average person, like me, to look at life's obstacles differently. Second, to strengthen, and embolden at least just one person to act on faith instead of just thinking about an idea they have or something they want all the time. Third, to encourage that person to stay persistent, even when there doesn't appear to be any reason to do so. Finally, to inspire you to access and strengthen your ingenuity today, to live a better life tomorrow. Not everyone who receives a formal education becomes a million -aire, and not everyone without a formal education is fruitless. The truth is, what separates successful people from unsuccessful people is the effort they put in and the faith they apply. Working toward the things you want is not always fun, and such things are rarely easy. Especially if what you're trying to achieve is monumental. My hope is that this book will serve as proof that you can start with nothing but a desire and end up with whatever it is you seek, if you stay consistent in achieving your intent. So make the tough decisions and do what needs to be done. It's all possible. My hope is that you learn some lessons from this book and obtain whatever you're looking for.
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