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The outrageous shojo comedy finally comes to print! A boy and a girl come to share each other's secrets: She remixes her real life and fantasies into a pervy Twitter feed, and he's selfish and manipulative on the inside. The relationship (?) that results is explosive and hilarious, perfect for fans of Kiss Him, Not Me!, Horimiya, and Wotakoi! #LosingOhmiKun Plain Eriko Ichimura’s love and fantasies grow in equal measure as she gets to know smooth-spoken, handsome Akira Ohmi’s true bratty nature. What’s more, after a rather intimate moment at the library, Ohmi tells her, “Let’s continue... after you pass your exam.” After receiving her “prize” from Ohmi, Ellie finds her friend, Sara, unwittingly entrenched in school rumors - including one that claims Sara is secretly dating Ohmi?!
Lovesick Ellie, Vol. 4 - Fujimomo - Goodreads
Lovesick Ellie, Vol. 4 book. Read 13 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. As plain Eriko Ichimura gets to know the bratty
Lovesick Ellie 3 by Fujimomo - Penguin Books Australia
Lovesick Ellie 3 The outrageous shojo comedy finally comes to print! A boy and a girl come to share each other's secrets: She remixes her real life and Format: PaperbackPublished: 5 July 2022RRP: $18.99
Lovesick Ellie Volume 4 (Koiwazurai no Ellie) - Manga - Book
Read the official Lovesick Ellie Volume 4 (Manga) in English online or offline! Author: Fujimomo. Free trial (preview) available on BOOK☆WALKER - eBook
Lovesick Ellie Vol. 3 › Customer reviews -
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Lovesick Ellie Vol. 3 at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Lovesick Ellie, Volume 7 - Los Angeles Public Library
Twitter aficionado Eriko "Ellie" Ichimura and school heartthrob Akira Ohmi continue dating behind the backs of the entire school.
Lovesick Ellie, Volume 3 by Fujimomo | NOOK Book (eBook)
Feb 13, 2018 — Plain Eriko Ichimura's love and fantasies grow in equal measure as she gets to know smooth-spoken, handsome Akira Ohmi's true bratty self.Series: Lovesick Ellie Series, #3Publication date: 02/13/2018Publisher: Kodansha International$9.99 · In stock
Lovesick Ellie Vol. 5 › Customer reviews -
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Lovesick Ellie Vol. 5 at Text, image, video. 16 global ratings | 3 global reviews
Lovesick Ellie Volume 2 (Koiwazurai no Ellie) - Manga - Book
Read the official Lovesick Ellie Volume 2 (Manga) in English online or offline! Author: Fujimomo. Free trial (preview) available on BOOK☆WALKER - eBook
Lovesick Ellie Volume 12 - Apple Books
Ellie, plain-looking girl with a head full of crazy fantasies, has finally made up with Omi-kun, the hottest guy in school. Lovesick Ellie Volume 3.
Lovesick Ellie: Volume 3 by Fujimomo published by Kodansha
Lovesick Ellie: Volume 3. Pre-Order. Author: Fujimomo: Published by: Kodansha Comics. £6.89 RRP £9.99. Add to Basket. This item is available to pre-order.Publisher: Kodansha ComicsType: MangaGenre: Anime & Manga
Lovesick Ellie, Vol. 3 (Lovesick Ellie, #3) by Fujimomo - Goodreads
Lovesick Ellie, Vol. 3 book. Read 18 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Plain Eriko Ichimura's love and fantasies grow in equal meas
Lovesick Ellie Vol. 6 eBook - Kindle Store -
And poor Kaname-kun, he's so closed off from the 3-D world, that he isn't even aware of what his actions towards Ellie mean. Poor kid, she's taken! Anyway,
Lovesick Ellie (Manga) Vol. 3 - Tankobonbon
Lovesick Ellie (Manga) Vol. 3. ₱676.00. Release Date: April 05, 2022 (Note: This book is not yet released). View more volumes of Lovesick EllieISBN:
Ren (A Bookish Balance)'s review of Lovesick Ellie, Vol. 3
Lovesick Ellie follows a young woman named Ellie who is a self-proclaimed pervert and is fixated on the most popular boy in school, Ohmi. A