How to earn money as a Voice Over artist in 2022


The voice-over marketplace is booming with the passing of time. Needless to say, there are different types of voice-over jobs you can find online. There are plenty of projects, facility to choose flexible working hours, and often the opportunity to work from home- all you need to thrive during the persistent pandemic crisis.
If you have a lovely voice, it is just the beginning of a long path to entering the professional world of voice acting and dubbing.
The command over speech and accent, the ability to choose the projects based on your voice-over skillsets ie how good your vocal range and voice texture, and a professional attitude, are some aspects to succeed in this business.

Fortunately, as you’ll see, there are plenty of sites offering voice-over jobs for beginners to work from home. Some of the multiple ways in which VO artists get paidContractual basis, Every time the VO is publicly aired, A Full Buy-Out, and On a monthly or Per Project Basis.

This blog will share some ideas to help you get started on the path to voiceovers from home.

Voice Overs for Videos

One of the most popular at-home jobs using your voice is to voice over for videos. This is where a video, ad, etc. is created and your voice is used to narrate it. There are many places online that hire people to do these voiceovers. YouTube is also full of videos made by individuals many of whom would love a professional voiceover on their video. All you need to do is find a clever way to market yourself to that group. You can also become a member of voice-over sites where you can offer your own services for a certain price. Voice-overs for videos are not hard at all, but remember the marketplace is competitive and when attempting to land a job as a voice-over, practice, practice, practice.

Voice Overs for Commercials

Voicing commercials is another way you can make money at home using your voice. There are sites online that hire people to voice their commercials. These jobs are also fairly straightforward to do once you’ve honed your technique. If you are looking to do commercials, it is best to make a portfolio of commercials with your voice so that you can have a demo to send out to prospective clients. Look out for places that are hiring people to do commercials and send them a demo to get started today.

Sell Radio Ads

You can also work from home using your voice to sell radio ads. Many radio stations hire people like me and you to make ads for them. This can be done from the comfort of your home with a good quality microphone, decent soundproofing and audio editing software. Search for places that need radio ads voice like internet radio stations and podcasters. You will also want to make a voice-over demo of you reading different radio ads. That way when you apply to a radio station, you can give them your demo to listen to.

Create Audio Books

Audiobooks are increasingly popular because they are an easy way for people to consume information while doing something else like washing up, working up, gardening, driving the car or even working. Listening to an audiobook is a powerful way to learn. With the high demand for audiobooks, there are quite a few companies that hire people to turn their books into audiobooks. So, if you are looking for a job at home using your voice, this may be a great job for you.