Best Youtube Channels For Class 10th


In this day and age of digital technology, according to Covid, the Lockdown YouTube channel and Google are becoming the primary source of the education sector with the help of which students can prepare for their exams. For Class 10, there are some subjects like Mathematics and Science etc. which are difficult and in which most of the marks are scored.

Grade 10 students can prepare well for their exams with the help of YouTube channels by attending the video lectures.

Here are the five best YouTube channels for class 10:

1) Toppr Study

The YouTube channel Toppr Study is run by the online education company Topper. Toppr Study is one of the most popular YouTube channels for Class 10 with more than 1.5 million subscribers.

Students can learn mathematics for 10th grade with the help of this YouTube channel. On this YouTube channel, teachers explain all the concepts in depth by using different teaching methods and technologies through video lessons.

Students of 10th class can prepare well for their exams with the free video lectures from the smartest teachers.

2) Magnet Brains

Magnet Brains is a software development company and the online education YouTube channel that offers free online courses and teaching platforms with thousands of free courses.

Magnet Brains is the best YouTube channel for grade 10, with 6.41 million subscribers and 29k videos. Magnet Brains helps students understand the concepts and topics easily and prepare for CBSE/NCERT, IIT/JEE/ NEET, UPSC/SSC exams and much more.

Magnet Brains offers complete courses from Kindergarten to 12th standard. This is the best YouTube channel for 10th class students to prepare for Maths, Science, English and Social Science exams.

3) Shobit Nirwan

Shobit is the owner of the Shobit Nirwan YouTube channel. Shobit Nirwan is an Indian YouTuber, educator, entrepreneur and career guide. Shobit Nirwan is the best YouTube channel for class 10 students and selection exams.

This YouTube channel has 1.49 million subscribers and 169 videos and offers motivational videos, free lectures, board exam strategies, selection exam strategies and much more.

This is the best YouTube channel to prepare for class 10th and exams with Shobit Nirwan’s exam strategies.

4) Physics Wallah Foundation:

Alakh Pandey is the owner of the Physics Wallah YouTube channel. Alakh Pandey has amazing teaching skills and has been awarded the Education Excellence Award by Arvind Kejriwal in Delhi.

Physics wallah is the best YouTube channel for Physics from class 6-10 and students can also prepare for JEE, NEET and NCERT.

Physics wallah YouTube channel has 6.86 million subscribers and 1.3 videos and has a dedicated application that offers JEE, NEET, NDA, NCERT and exam strategies 

5) Unacademy Neet:

Gaurav Munjal, Roman Saini and Hemesh are the co-founders of Unacademy is the best YouTube channel for 10th class science and NEET exam. has 1.5 million subscribers and 8.1k videos. is India’s largest free education service. The platform offers free lectures and free crash courses and the best educators deliver free live classes.

These are the best youtube channels for 10th class and NEET, IIT, JEE, UPSC, etc. You can follow these channels to understand the concepts easily.

Below are other youtube channels that you can follow for your studies:

Vedantu for classes 9,10 

Apni Kaksha for classes 9,10 

Bodhaguru for kindergarten to class 10 

LearnoHub for classes 9,10 

GREEN Board for class 10

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