How to build your business on Mezink as a Fashion blogger

Do you want to be a Fashion Blogger but don’t know where to start? We got you! Mezink provides you solutions to all your hassles from website building to blog writing to uploading a portfolio, all without any technical expertise required at 0% commission.


In this blog you’ll know:

  1. What is fashion blogging and how to get started
  2. How to become a fashion influencer
  3. How to earn money as a fashion blogger
  1. What is Fashion Blogging?

As the term describes itself, Fashion Blogging is an online venture for Fashion enthusiasts to explore, express, and showcase their creative tangent toward Fashion trends. 

A fashion Blogger is a person who writes articles about fashion and style on his/her blog and publishes photos of outfits, and videos of fashion shows. A fashion blogger is a kind of mix of a stylist, journalist, and model.

  1. In order to become a Fashion influencer-

To start with: Fashion influencers make money, gather millions of followers by channeling their inner creativity, and have prominent status on social media. Sounds fascinating and highly rewarding? But, before you take the plunge, remember that out there is a sea of  Fashion influencers – both emerging and established – and you’d need to make a serious effort to stand out. Here are some simple, yet effective ways, by which you can start and thrive as an influencer:

Finding your niche

Finding your niche is both easy and difficult, as your areas of interest or expertise would lie in many fields. It’s better to pick one or two areas of interest that serve your target audience without fail. Generally, it works better if you are an expert in one field, rather than a jack of all trades – especially on Instagram, where your posts may get lost in a deluge of clutter.

Engage and enthrall

You can enthrall your audience by letting them into your inner world. A genuine personal story will help bolster trust between you and your audience. In the end, it’s about being true to yourself and giving value and space with utmost honesty.

  1. In order to earn money as a fashion blogger, you must start-

Selling affiliate products

One of the best ways to earn passive income from blogging is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based monetization strategy, which means you only get paid when your promotional efforts result in a sale. To put it simply, whenever someone buys an affiliate product using your affiliate referral link, you earn a commission.

Collaborations, sponsorships, paid reviews

Fashion bloggers mainly collaborate with other brands to make money. It can also be paid sponsorships, promoting other fashion brands, or lifestyle products where they promote brands in exchange for money. Brands get loyal customers and better visibility online, whereas fashion bloggers make money. So it’s a win/win approach.

Selling own products

If you’re generating a ton of visitors to your site and have a massive email list or followers on social media, you can sell your products. Branding is the key here. Your products should be relevant to your target audience and make sure to set the right price if you want to turn your website visitors into customers.

Using display advertising networks

This is one of the common ways to make money from fashion blogs as you can use a ton of display ads. The key to making more money from display ad networks is that you need to attract massive search engine traffic so you can generate decent income every month. But it’s going to hurt your readership in the long run, so consider better alternatives if you’re running a fashion blog.