How To Fix Youtube Loading Issues?


Problems with YouTube buffering can have the following causes: Server overload, internet/router problems, browser cache, IP address range. If you have problems with YouTube’s slowness, you do not need to panic. You can use the methods in this post to fix the problem. Try these methods You may not need to try them all. Just work your way from list to list until you find the one that fixes your problem.

1.Change the URL

2.Use a VPN

3.Choose a lower quality setting

4.Clear the cache

5.Block two IP address ranges

Method 1: Change the URL

This is a trick to fix the problem. We have no idea why it works. But it works for some Windows users who had the same problem as you. Why not try it out?

Just two simple steps:

1. Open the YouTube video you want to watch. 

2. Replace www in the url with ca.

Method 2: Use a VPN

VPN can increase the speed. There are many paid VPNs and free VPNs. If you do not have the budget to buy a VPN, you can find a free one online. However, a paid VPN is recommended to better protect your privacy.

If you are not sure how to choose the right VPN, I recommend NordVPN (you can get NordVPN coupons and promo codes to get a discount). NordVPN is a world-renowned VPN. If you buy it now, you can get 75% discount.

We hope you can solve YouTube slowness issues with the above tips. If you still have questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Method 3: Choose a lower quality setting 

Even though Google is doing its best to reduce loading time, server errors can still occur due to high traffic. You can not improve the traffic, but you can watch the video with a lower quality setting.

Follow the steps below to select a lower quality setting.

1. Open the YouTube video 

2. Click the Settings gear icon in the bottom right corner.

3. Click on Quality.

4. Select a lower quality than the one you are currently using. Try all the lower quality levels one after the other until the problem is solved. If the problem still persists after that, try the next method.

Method 4: Clear cache

It is good to clear the cache frequently. When you load the first time, the browser stores everything in the cache so that it can load faster the next time. This causes browsers to shop too much temporary data, which can be the cause of YouTube running slowly. If you have cached data, skip this method. If not, clear the cache and see if it works 

The steps to clear the cache depend on the browser you are using. Below we show you how to clear the cache in Google Chrome. If you are not using Chrome and do not know how to clear the cache, search the internet for the exact steps.

1. Open Google Chrome.

2. Click on the More icon . In the drop-down menu, click More Tools, and then in the pop-up menu, click Clear Browsing Data…

3. Click the check boxes for cached images and files and cookies and other website data. Then click the button CLEAR BROWSER DATA.

Method 5: Block two IP address ranges

Normally, you watch the video from a CDN (Content Delivery Network), but not directly from YouTube. In this case, ISPs (Internet Service Providers) throttle the connection speed from you to these CDNs. This causes YouTube videos to load slowly. Blocking two IP address ranges for these CDNs ( and can solve the problem 

Follow the steps below:

1. Open the command prompt as an administrator.

2. Enter the following command:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”YouTubeTweak” dir=in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes

3. Press the enter key on your keyboard. Then the rule will be added 

4. Close the command prompt.

If you want to remove the rule, run the command prompt again as administrator and enter the following command: netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=”YouTubeTweak”

We hope you can fix the YouTube slow playback problem with the above methods. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, please feel free to leave your comments below.


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