How to Get Donation Money from Viewers on YouTube Without Discounts

The youtube platform makes it easy for its users to monetize every uploaded content. So that many people are now starting to switch professions to become content creators or YouTubers. But do you know? Besides getting money from adsense that you put on YouTube. There are other ways that you can try to get donated money from YouTube. Well, if you are interested, see how to get donation money from viewers on YouTube, which we will review below!

Don’t be shy to start raising donations for all the content you create. As a content creator, it is very natural that in this digital era you start to make donations. The reason is, the trend of giving donations to content creators is currently quite common and often done. For example, a famous YouTuber named Reza Arap often holds live streaming while raising funds. It’s unmitigated, you know, the donations that this youtuber who focuses on gaming content get can reach 1M in one stream!

If you are interested in starting to raise donations from fans or connoisseurs of your art. Now there is a practical solution from Mezink Apps that you can try. Only by installing one application. You can start raising donations without any limits on the number of likes, viewers and subscribers.

Read Also : Let’s Take a Peek at How to Earn Money on YouTube for Beginners in 2022. Youtubers Must Try!

How to Get Donation Money from Viewers on YouTube

1. Install the Mezink Application

The first thing you have to do to get a donation is to install the Mezink app on your device. You can register your account using your email or various social media that you have. The advantage of Mezink compared to other applications is that it provides free features at no cost. So you can enjoy all the conveniences that Mezink offers without spending money.

2. Edit Profile As Professionally As Possible

Before you try the donation feature from Mezink. Make sure you set the profile as professional as possible. The trick is to list all the social media account links that you have. Like YouTube, Instagram or Tiktok. Not only that, attach an attractive profile photo and don’t forget to include a brief description on the profile. Remember, the more professional and complete the profile you create, the more fans will believe that it is your account.

3. Create a Streaming Donation Link on the Feed Page

After you finish editing the profile as completely as possible. Next, you can create a donation link to stream through the Mezink application. However, you must register yourself through the contact listed. Send your account details & personal data such as:

a. Name
b. Mezink link
c. Streaming platform used

If you have submitted your account data, the next step is to wait for confirmation of the activation of the donation link.

4. Share the Donation Link

If you have successfully activated the donation link. Then you can share the donation link from Mezink to the various social media that you have. As a tip, you can try to insert a Mezink donation link into the various descriptions of the YouTube videos that you upload so that you can reach more users.

How to Get Donation Money from Youtube Streaming

Who would have thought, as a content creator, you can get donations during live streaming? Not only by including a donation link in each of your video and social media descriptions. You can now try to get rupiah coffers while chatting with fans.

The method is quite easy, you only need to include the Mezink donation link in the live streaming description or in the cheat column so that it can always be seen by the audience.

Well, that’s how to get donated money from YouTube by using the Mezink application that we summarized especially for you. Hopefully this is useful for those of you who are looking for additional regular income from YouTube!

It’s time to make the donation link easier without a discount through the Mezink application! Create a link on bio to monetize your content in only one application.

how to get donation money from viewers on youtube

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