5 Popular Filters Used by Instagram Users, Creators and Celebrities 2022

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is one of the three most popular social networking platforms in the world.

Its easy interface, attractive layout, and brilliantly-designed, real-like filters make Instagram a widely-appreciated and everyone’s favorite app for sharing images and videos.

Instagram Filters – 

About 18% of images uploaded on Instagram use some kind of filter.

Using Instagram filters, you too can give your photos an extra edge and mood. Filters are an inbuilt feature on Instagram that allow users to edit or add cool effects to their image and video before they share it on their Feed or Story. You just have to click or tap on the desired filter to apply it on the image or video you want to upload and share.

Top 5 Filters on Instagram 2022 – 

1. Normal

Testing without Instagram Filter

The Normal filter does not give your images any effect. Rather, it keeps them normal – without any effect. 

It is the best filter to demonstrate your photography skills. Creators, influencers, and celebrities use this filter to share their selfies. 

If you see an image or video on Instagram with is #nofilter hashtag, you can simply make out that the user has used Normal or No Filter on it.

2. Clarendon 

Testing with Clarendon Instagram Filter

Clarendon is the most used filter on Instagram. 

The filter adds a dark shade to darker areas and a light shade to areas with light. In other words, it increases the saturation, contrast, and cyan tint on your image, and gives it a balanced look.

People use Clarendon Filter also to share their selfies and nature clicks.

3. Juno 

Testing with Juno Instagram Filter

Known for its versatility, Juno is another top filter on Instagram used by celebrities and creators.

The filter enhances brightness, contrast, and hues and adds colder shades of blue and green on your photos. It also amplifies red and yellow shades on your images.

If you want to upload photos and videos with a warm feel, this is the filter you should choose.

4. Lark

Testing with Lark Instagram Filter

If you want to add a cool bright effect, you should try the filter Lark!

The filter increases brightness and reduces vibrance on your images. Apart from that, it decreases the saturation of reds and purples. Technically, it creates a layer on your graphic that makes its background more appealing.

5. X-Pro II 

Testing with X-Pro II Instagram Filter

X-Pro II is a filter that adds high contrast and juicy pop to the colors on your image. This innovative filter gives your images a Photoshop-like effect, making it a professional-level graphic. That’s the reason why there is “Pro” in its name!

You can use this filter to highlight and intensify darker areas on your image.

But these are not the only Instagram filters used by celebrities. Explore the app now to know and use the other filters.

If you are an Instagrammer or creator, looking to showcase your most appreciated photos, you can consider using Mezink, link in bio app. Just create your Mezink profile, and add all your links on your profile and share it with your followers. Download Mezink now!

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