How To Establish A Strong Online Presence As A Voice Over Artist


To sustain a profession as myriad as being a Voice-over artist, it is important to strategically curate your Virtual appearance as it is directly proportionate to your reach as a Digital Creator.

Online presence has taken over real-life today in 2022 not only in the socio-economic fragment but psychological as well. The Z generation today thrives on the belief of social acceptance/relevance and validity within the social dynamics of our existence. Hence it becomes almost peer pressure to validate and assert the virtual presence of our professional life.

In this blog, we will discuss some Tips on How to establish a strong online presence as a Voice-Over Artist in 2022.

  1. Design a Digital Creator Profile and a Website

Voice acting is one of the domain that is evidently affected with the evolving technology. There are numerous  voice casting sites across the internet which has rigorously formed the career opportunities for Voice Over Artists especially in the start-up and non-union ones.

The easiest solution to design your profile which is hassle free and devoid of any technical complications is Mezink– the one App for all.  This is how you can create your profile on Mezink

In order to create a hassle-free profile follow these steps-

Add your Name, email id, profile picture and voila the account has been created. In order to Add Links, select add links, type the name of the platform, copy the url of the platform abc in the tab below. Lastly, select icons to add.
Icons you need are not available? No problem add the required icon from your photo album or download from the internet.

Download now!

Building your online presence is not linear, it intertwines with many other activities. Moreover, it demands constant upgrading as technology keeps evolving.

After creating your profile on Mezink, its time to design your own website with the specific necessities that a profile of Voice Over artist demands like –

  • Optimisation to be easily found on Google
  • Have a landing page with a call to action (CTA) feature
  • Easy to navigate on any device
  • Updated contact information

Once you have all the above-mentioned points done, it is time to curate the content which will majorly reflect your brand’s image. The content must be accordingly written. To the dart, informative and with clarity in the language.

Often when it comes to website designing, people usually think it is not self-doable and would include money and technical knowledge of software development. 

To defy your norms, there is Mezink-Control Centre for Creators. Mezink provides you with a hassle-free experience in designing your own website where you can swiftly choose your theme and style of the website look in just a few clicks. Design your website in 5 mins on Mezink, check it out now how!

Tips on How to establish a strong online presence as a Voice-Over Artist in 2022, Image via The Equity Magazine
  1. Search Engine Optimisation

Once you have a website, the next step is to appear first in google searches. SEO is responsible for this. This means you need to have the knowledge of selecting the words you include in your web pages. 

For example, you can look at the commonly asked or search result suggestions of people when they type the word “voice acting”. From there, you can study the pattern of what keywords are mostly used for researching voice-over topics. 

Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide provides an overview of the basics and will help you optimize your website.

  1. Utilise Social media

Globally, nearly 4620 million people use social media

Evidently, it’s needless to mention the effectiveness of Social Media in building your online presence. Social media is the enabler of your website. Your website is your virtual impression, and your social media is your channel to market your presence.
There are many social media Apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. which you can use to optimise your online presence as a Voice Over Artist in 2022. 

There are certain rules on how to nail the power of social media.

  • Plan and schedule your timely and relatable content
  • Make use of relevant hashtags
  • Have your postings calibrated to all your social media Apps
  • Design your well-researched Action plans based on the online marketing results

Last but most important Analyse your growth. To easily analyse all your social media activity visit Mezink- one app for all. Mezink provides a hassle-free analysing tool with zero percent commission designed for Content Creators to help them track their business growth 

Mezink- Control Centre for Creators. Download now!